About freehand machine embroidery
The act of freehand machine embroidery is to move your fabric around underneath the needle of a sewing machine without using the feed dogs (teeth under the needle) to restrict the fabric. It means you are free to move that fabric wherever you like, to draw with the needle and create beautiful shapes and lines. You can use an embroidery foot or a bare needle (however if you do this WATCH your fingers as it’s very easy to get too close to the needle without anything guarding your fingers) so steady hands and slow stitching are needed. Remember you are in control of the machine, it doesn’t control you. The second you lift your foot from the pedal or switch the stop button the stitching ends. If you don’t move the fabric nothing will happen apart from a build up of thread so don’t panic, just try it. It’s brilliant fun.
There are tonnes of online tutorials, you tube is a great place to start.
There are tonnes of online tutorials, you tube is a great place to start.